Ah. Beautiful September. Beautiful Novah.

it doesn't seem possible that our precious, Novah was 2 months old yesterday.
my beautiful princess, so many blessings I pray for you daily in this cruel world. I pray that you will always know kindness and compassion towards others. I pray that you will always be healthy and always know that you are loved beyond measure.
that you were wanted and prayed upon before we even held you in our arms.
We dreamed of you and anxiously counted the days till you were here.
Oh my beautiful girl, so many wonderful things I dream & hope for you.

My favorite month of the year is here - Beautiful September. A transition from the unbearable Summer we've had this year. Today was open windows, and cool breezes drifting in across bare legs with the scent of Autumn lingering on the horizon so close I could smell her. She is slowly showing up in turning of the leaves from greens to vibrant reds and oranges.
Soon, the neighborhood will be dressed in pumpkins, cornstalks, and bales of hay on front porches.  Early evening walks and wet leaves huddled in street corners. purple, orange, and yellow mums will peek behind ghouls and ghosts. 
Yes, Autumn is my most favorite time of the year.
after the summer we've had, I do hope she will stay around a few months, that would make me a happy girl.



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