A New Year Coming...

In less than a week we will leap forward into a  new year; 2012. I'm looking forward to embracing this new year with new challenges and new beginnings. I have decided that a lot is going to change for me this year. I am going to go out on that limb to go where I want to go...I'm going to reach for the stars for things that will make me happy this year. I'm going to go the extra mile and do what needs to be done to take my business to the level that I want it to go.

I'm going to spend more quality time with my children. I'm going to be less of a friend to Caitlin and more of a parent.

I'm going to make every minute, every second of my life count for something. I'm going to blast my stereo out listening to Mazzy Star and dance around the room.

I going to dance in the moonlight with someone I love. 

 I'm going to decorate every room in my house with fresh daises because they are my favorite flower.
I'm going to appreciate the art in everyday living.

I'm never going to let the part of me that is still a child grow up
I'm going back to L.A.
I'm going to seek out new locations for shoots
I'm going to lay in bed on a summer day with the windows open and listen to my music box without a care in the world
I'm going to Smile more
I'm going to shoot more film
I'm going to 'live in the moment' and appreciate it for everything that it is
I'm going to dance in a gentle summer's rain
I'm going to eat more dinners outside in the summer months
I'm going to inhale Springs sweet air
I'm going to live and love in sweet, warm, hazy pink summer days

I'm going to reach for the stars....and never look back ♥


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