
Hello Monday. It sure came sweeping in faster than I thought. The weekend was filled with numerous photo shoots, outdoor concerts, good food and great friends. All those simple things in ordinary life that we don't stop to think about or appreciate because we are so tied up in checking off things on, "our do list" ,  what to cook for dinner, laundry, paying bills, all the mundane things that I hate. 

So I sat back today and enjoyed a day for "me". I drank hazelnut coffee, took a 2-hour nap, worked on some photos, read parts of my "Bella Grace" magazine and stayed in my pjs until 4:30pm.  I sat at my desk listening to the cicadas singing me a mixed melody. A sound that has great comfort for me and soothes me. My windows are open today as it is a gorgeous day, in the 70's and low humidity. Having the windows open in the Summer is a rare joy here in the Midwest, however we have had such a beautiful summer, I surely cannot complain. 

Today I'm enjoying some of the things I love.

Emotions; the raw, the ugly and the beautiful
Fuzzy socks
cricket sonnets
A cozy bed with chabby shic bedding
Hazelnut coffee
clean laundry
Laughing till it hurts
Sweet Tea

These things I am ever so grateful for.


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