New Chapter

I've recently embarked on a new chapter in my life. Not one that I would have chosen to go down but one I am on nonetheless.  I've often asked myself how much can one person take when you have a family member; hence family members driving you insane and making your life completely miserable day after day after day? When you have gone out of way numerous times  to help this person; a person who does not want to help themselves and it is totally ungrateful for everything you have ever done for them. Because it is a family member, my twin sister to be exact, I have had a extremely hard time trying to break out of this cycle of mental abuse and ungratefulness. Not to mention that she tries to throw guilt trips on me day after day, time after time.
I've come to a point in my life where this is not exceptable for me to tolerate anymore.
Regardless that she is my twin sister; family, I simple cannot deal with the stress and demands that she puts upon me.
It's take me a long time to break out of this cycle and I'm having a very difficult time trying to deal with it and accept it.  Somehow I've got to figure out a way that this is something I cannot change; I cannot change her but I can turn and walk away. I just have to learn how to let go and move forward; and that's the part that is killing me.



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