Monday is....

Monday is....
days with alayna
photos and giggles
and lots of hugs and kisses from my best girl
a 7th birthday in 3 days
i have been up late these last few nights unable to sleep...
so i'll climb out of bed and wander out onto the porch, usually have a cigarette, get lost in the quiet and gaze at the moon.
ah....summer nights...the best
and summer is flying by. almost hard to believe we are into our last days of july...i hope that august will whisper in quietly...
tonight i will lay beside my gorgeous girl, we will
tell secrets, and she will snuggle up against me so tight i'll be on the edge of the bed fighting for my own space...
through the night i will receive numerous kicks and battle for a decent amount of space to stretch out on....
but oh...i wouldn't give up these special nights with my girl for anything....
tonight my sweet girl and i sashayed down to the neighbors to pick some gorgeous hydrangeas, alayna cut herself with the scissors, she ran home to get a bandage and i stood and chatted with the neighbor while the mosquitoes feasted on me.... 

that life is not always beautiful
but having faith is knowing on the bad days, good days will follow
that im not perfect and God loves me anyways
im still here
and im still hanging on...
looking for the simple
searching for the beauty


  1. Such a Happy story! I can't help but smile at the thought of you and Alayna giggling, hugging and kissing...saying "awww" when she cut herself, imagining the smell of the fresh cut flowers...tucking her in to bed, giving baby kisses??? I remember doing that ;) Feeling sorrow when you can't sleep, but then serenity when you sit alone star gazing...wishing I was doing the same. I'm glad you know that God loves you, not everybody learns that...keep hanging on, keep looking...for the beauty and the simple things are out there...they truly are. You just have to believe that someday you will find them.

  2. Thank you Paul. I think you enjoy my blog entries as much as I enjoy your comments. Always filled with encouragement and happy thoughts. Thank you for your support and friendship. It means the world to me😊

    1. Awww, I'm glad you enjoy my comments. They are heartfelt, on the spot. I write whatever comes to mind. I love your blog entries, i think you are a talented writer. You will forever have my support and encouragement, for your friendship also means the world to me.

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  5. једину праву књигу велики писац нема потребе да, у обичајеном смислу те речи, измишља будући да она већ постоји у свакоме од нас, него само да је преведе. Дужност и задатак писца управо су душност и задатак преводиоца


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