07, January - Sunday

sunday, the 7th day of January  - my baby boy's birthday today. hard to believe he is 31 years old. i remember that day as if it was yesterday. he was my miracle baby. i had waited so long for a baby and he was finally going to be here. it was a struggle getting him here but worth every minute of the pain. he is my only boy, my only son and im so very grateful for him everyday. Ty, I love you 
finally woke up today to temps above 0 degrees. but of course there is a price to pay for it, freezing drizzle and snow. winter days are so long, and the nights even longer. winter kind of ticks by slowly. it seems once she's here she never wants to leave. but i love the beauty she brings with her despite the freezing temps.  there is nothing more prettier than bare tree limbs draped in a blanket of white heavy snow.
my sister's husband got picked up for drunk driving Friday night, totaled the car, we knew it was just a matter of time. it breaks my heart though, he's looking at 5 years in prison. this was his 3rd DUI in Iowa. it just literally breaks my heart when i see someones life totally ruined because of alcohol. and it not only affects  the alcoholic's life  it affects everyone around them, friends and family are pulled into the nightmare as well. this especially breaks my heart because Kelly was sober for 3 years, he'd picked himself out of the gutter and rebuilt his life, found God and was happy. whos to say what triggered him to fall back into that horrible life, but now he will be paying for it with 5 years of his freedom. so sad. im thankful that no one was hurt in the accident. in my opinion alcohol should be illegal. it  ruins so many lives.
my mama seems to be doing okay. she cannot go outside when it is bitterly cold because she can't breathe, so the last week she has been stuck inside her 4 walls. she's going a little stir crazy. 
although being inside more i've gotten caught up on  reading on a few books that have been sitting around since summer. a great author i stumbled upon "Allen Eskens" i finally got around to reading "The Life We Bury" and "The Heavens May Fall" both very enthralling books that keep you guessing till the very end.
its freezing drizzle today so looks like another day spent inside.


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