Sunday Dreaming...

Sunday arrived soft and warm this morning, with no plans to do anything today, but dream of summer nights down at the river. the color of coral hazy skies will soon arrive and with them the promise of hope and the business that comes with Summer. Weddings and street festivals, days with my girls, and the anticipation of Novah's arrival in early July has me wishing away the days as if life isn't short enough already.

and this morning has me catching up on blog reading and knowing that before I even realize it, it will be dinnertime and i haven't even thought about what we are going to have.  the days go by so much faster now that we changed back to daylight savings time. however, I am loving the extra hour of daylight even if the nights zoom right past me.
I'm back to staying up to 2-3AM in the morning because there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day for me, or because I'm engrossed in a good book I can't put down, the words are urging me to turn the page, or perhaps, a new TV series I've stumbled upon. 
today is a unplug day. no phones, no tv, just silence between the minutes and escaping into another world for the day.


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