Dear Me

Dear Me,
you are more than you believe. You are kind, compassionate, and grateful. you are emotional and messy, sometimes lost and confused but you are still good. sometimes a bit insecure and you think too deeply a little too much. your feelings are valid and real so do not let anyone denounce them because they do not feel the same way you do. remember that you can make all the effort in the world and have good intentions and yet someone will still tell you that it's not enough.
 walk away, sweet girl. 
don't beat yourself up over something you have no control over or that you cannot change.
remember you are always just enough, for you.
it's the 2nd day of March and already is feeling like Spring is on her way. A week from today my baby girl will be an adult - 18 years old, yet still in so many ways still a child, and in 4 months she will give birth to a sweet baby girl named Novah. she will know the truest form of love there is the love of a mother. I wish I had a notebook to give her filled with answers with everything that will transpire as her new journey evolves.  I wish I could spare her the worry that comes with being a Mama, the disappointments and the struggles that are sure to come. but I'm also excited for her to know the love that only a mother can carry.
I'm excited to watch her grow and to develop and settle into a life's that's good. I don't want her to live in her failures but to grow from them, and to always stay strong, compassionate and kind. 
we are all flawed human beings and we have all fallen, but I believe it's those moments that we are at our weakest that mold us and shape us into a better individual. 


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