A letter to my Daughter Caitlin from my Heart to yours~

My Dearest Caitlin,
My last child - my baby. What wonderful joy you have brought into my life with your infectious laughter and beauty.

I'm glad you are stubborn and not easily swayed. I hope that is a quality that you will keep and it will help you a great deal in the years to come baby girl to stay strong and most of all my darling to stay true to you and close to God for he can get you through anything.

Always be yourself Cate and your beauty and grace will always shine through.

Don't be a follower. Choose your own path in life for only you know what that is. You are an artist like your Mama and we are meant to fly. So make sure you take out those wings every now and then and soar baby girl.

Always see the beauty in the small and simple things my darling girl for they are the most precious; delicate and fleeting.

Always dance to your own music. Never take anything or anyone for granted you love for they can be  gone in a mere second.

Be kind for you never know when you may stumble upon one of God's angel's.

Enjoy quiet time and reflect upon your soul.

And always  baby girl remember and never ever doubt for a second how loved and cherished you really are.


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