My thoughts for the Day~

Will you~
Will you go with the flow 
Giving the love that is in your heart
so that others may be carried in its current
~will you honor a dream
by taking a leap twoards it
closing the distance with bold action and intent
~will you meet happiness where it lives
accepting only the present moment as real
and knowing all you need for contentment resides there
~will you accept your own love
and care for yourself in a way that reflects that
by nurturing your spirt from an endless source of respect
~will you let it slide
the imagined slight, the minor irritation
and trade it for the peace that comes from a mind at ease
~will you give back
for no other reason than
it is simply the person you choose to be
~will you walk in faith
knowing all that is lives inside you
and it is inconceivable to think you are ever alone
~will you dwell in possibility where imagination takes over
and doors open before you even know
~will you breathe from your belly
filling yourself with a deep inhale
and releasing what no longer serves you
~will you allow today to unfold before you
by letting each moment be what it is
without having to change or control it?
~Will you

~Written by Emma, of "Graceful Balance"


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