the harvest is coming!

this is strange.
i can't seem to wrap my mind around what is going on
in the world today.
people are scattered, enclosed into the confinements of their own homes
will the sun come out again someday soon?

i close my eyes at night and i like to believe'
this is just a dream
that in the morning i will wake up
shake off the sleepiness and 
find the day awaiting with numerous possibilities.
 I walk the halls back and forth a million times a day
i'm sunk in a black hole
so much so that i wondered this morning why bother
to get out of bed
just to live the same nightmare i lived the day
and then I hear a sweet little voice in my head
.....there are tasks to complete...
children to love on
books to read

hang on the harvest is coming!

Just do one small thing a day, the clouds will clear
and life will once again be considered normal

I can take this 5 minutes of uncertainty at a time and I
can press through with the strength that GOD PROMISES
to give me.
I have all I need to wait out the storm.


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