i miss these days...

i miss these days....
when my girl was still little and innocent 
and i miss the best dog ever, my Sierra....

i hate that time changes everything and you never know from one day to the next if your world is going turn amazing or devastating...
i hate uncertainty. i'm a person that has to have plans and errands all wrote down
i hate that i can't delay time for just a while
when you are young you think time goes by slowly, but the older you get you look back and question, where did my life go?
and heres the sucky part....in your head you are still 21, but not in your body, in the aches that form in your joints and muscles, the laziness of not wanting to do anything on certain days....
treasure the people you love, for life change can in a second
and sooner or later the change will come for you or someone you love.
RIP baby girl, i hope you are running thru the wild meadows up in heaven, i can't wait to see you again someday...but hopefully not too soon.


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