Blessed Tuesday

im sitting in the bookstore thumbing through a number of books. i love books, and i love the thinness of the paper, the smallest of words jumping out at me, until a sentence pulls me in, urging me to come in closer and get to know this character who starts out as a stranger and by the end of the book feels like a bestfriend. someone i let crawl into bed with me under the warm covers and drift into another time, a different place... distracted by an older couple sitting beside me at the next table. i don't think they are married because their conversation doesn't direct toward that. i think they are friends just getting to know each other as they share bits of information with each other about themselves and people they both being dragged into their conversation unwillingly because im wrapped up into the current book i hold in my hand and trying to blot out the distracting music in the background, as i glace up from my book im in awe at the darkness of the clouds today. they look like i felt this morning when i got out of bed....heavy
when i come to the bookstore i aim to get the table in the back by the big picture window. i watch the cars drive by wondering where all these people are going in such a rush and i think to myself, they should slow down...move through their day at a slower pace and notice the smaller things in life. im grateful that i can move through my days in a savoring motion.
the American flag in front of me is swaying, flapping all her glory in the hands of the wind, she knows there is no use in fighting it so she trails along with it...
when i got up this morning, and once again faced the dark dreariness of the day, my soul sank. ive been struggling lately with the dark days, and no sunshine to bask in.
ive been shutting out loved ones, family, and friends for weeks now. not intentionally. i've just been on a  journey of sorts. i've been drowning myself into the Word of God.
searching for Him, searching for peace and joy.
and an understanding that surpasses all i know of this reality world.
I've learned a lot in the last few months about who i am, things i regret, and all the should- haves and should have nots. im moving past those things now and looking toward the future.
i don't know what trials or sorrows will come before in the coming days but i do know one thing i never knew before, and that is that God will never leave me or forsake me. that every morning i get up no matter how many times i messed up the day before, his grace and mercy are new every morning. every morning i wake up, God is extending his grace and mercy to me.
i like that.


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