B L E S S I N G S ...

 My bestie, Jen

 the happy couple

 The bride and Groom

And the steal of the show...
their daughter, the flower girl

H A P P Y  B E G I N N I N G S
yesterday was a day full of wedding bliss, lots of oohhh's
and awe's, and the bride and grooms daughter stealing the show with her cuteness . She twirled and sashayed around the room as if she owned it, and she did. My bestie (the brides mother) was drop dead gorgeous, her sister Delaney one of the six bridesmaids was beautiful as always. I've watched her grow up since she was three years old. her and caitlin grew up together and at one time were best friends. they started preschool together, went to elementary and junior high school together. 
i love this family as i love my own. they are part of my family. 
yesterday was a great day...and i was so happy to be a part of it!
Love you 


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