Precious Days with Teagie

oh how i treasure these first days with this precious girl. sometimes i think my heart will just explode with love for her. in a few days she will be 3 months old already. one day flows into the next way too fast. i wish i could bottle up these precious days with her but i can't so i'll do the next best thing, take a lot of photos of her as much as i can and years from now she'll have this wonderful gift of going back into time.
update on my mama! she's doing so much better, the infection is slowly getting out of her body and she's breathing much better now. this morning the doctor said that she should be able to go home tomorrow! i want to thank you each and everyone of you that prayed for her and our family. you will never know how truly special you all are to me and how much we all appreciate your prayers.
love to you all


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