Blessed. Grateful.

Thursday morning I was awaken to a phone call from my husband who was on his way home from work saying that something was wrong; he couldn't breathe. He was coming home to get me and we were going to the ER. I told him, No, go directly to the ER (he had previously had a heart attack 3 years ago this coming August and has 5 stents in). By the way he sounded on the phone; he was winded, couldn't breath, had a lot of pressure on his chest, profuse sweating.  I knew immediately he was having a heart attack. He on the other hand has been sick with  a cold and thought it was related to that.
By the time he arrived at the hospital they couldn't believe he even walked in there. He couldn't breath; couldn't talk and he just handed him his driver's license through the window. They got him immediately into a room and started assessing him and it was confirmed he was having a heart attack. By the time I got up there he was in a lot of pain, in distress and I only got to see him for a brief 2 minutes before they took him down to surgery. They Chaplin was waiting for me as I arrived at the hospital (not a good sign) We were taken to the waiting room as I made the necessary calls to family to get them up there and I prayed with the Chaplin.
About an hour later the Dr. came out and told me that they had stopped the heart attack and put a stent in where there was a blockage of 99%.
He has to go back in 4 weeks as he has 5 more blockages that need to be repaired with stents.
I'm thankful that the Lord was with us that day and has blessed my family by not taking my husband from us.
We are blessed beyond measure. The outcome could have been so much worse. Today I'm counting my blessings and holding my husband very close.


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