My Sweetheart (Days with Alayna)

Since she was born I started a journal titled "Days with Alayna". Sometimes I write just simple things that we did that day, other times I write her long letters telling her how much I love and adore her and how much she has changed my life.
When we did this session the other day we had a nice little chat in the cemetery. Its one of my favorite places to shoot. It's calm, peaceful and usually when I go there, I'm the only one there. It's an old cemetery and the architecture is astonishingly beautiful.
So we are talking, and I'm shooting and she out of the blue ask me if when she dies will I come to her funeral. I set my camera down and replied,, "Silly girl, Nannie will die way before you do, and when it is your time to come up to heaven I will already be up there waiting for you with open arms."
She then ask me if I would take care of her up there. I said, "Of course you silly girl."
Cherished Moments. With my sweetheart.
Priceless.  I love my days with her.


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