yesterday, autumn made her presence known with pink hazy blue skies, and powerful gusts of wind....blazing in with a promise of more beauty to come....just be patience she whispered as a ghost of a breeze blew through my hair....

i grabbed my girl cate and off to the country we went, blaring music from the stereo and windows down, we were happy....laughing, just me & her with no destination planned. we drove until i found a little spot with pieces of autumn entwined...i pulled over and we jumped out, me grabbing my camera and her giggling. 
i wish you could hear my cates laugh....it fills the room...she rarely lets herself go and bask in the simple things....but yesterday she let go and it filled my heart with such love and joy
I absolutely fall all over in love with her again when she laughing...
i wish she would do it more....
her whole soul shines and her eyes are sprinkled with sparks of diamonds....the skies were ominous yesterday but you couldn't tell it, not if  you glanced at her....
she was free, living in the simple and loving it....and for just a half hour everything was perfect...our souls embracing this precious day we had been given...
my girl cate



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