
early evening last night, autumn showed up in her finest, bringing with her gentle cool breezes. after the summer we've had it certainly felt soothing. today windows and doors are all open. i slept peacefully as the cool breeze brushed against my bare legs.  i do hope that she'll get settled in and stay for awhile. im not quite near ready for winter yet. and from the what the weathermen are saying we are due for a nasty one this year....but then again, what do they know?

i haven't had my princess the last couple weeks, i've been so busy with weddings and today im missing her sassy little self. maybe this weekend she can come stay and we can fall into autumn together.

my little bug, caitlin has picked up lessons again on the guitar. its so nice to see her once again getting excited about something and putting her all into it. its also nice for me to sit and listen to her play. not many words today...



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