
we are now nearing the end of busy this month i feel as if i missed the whole month....
my brain is scrambling to remember things i forgot to schedule in the calendar
and bringing forth a few surprises....yikes
warm temps today with no relief coming in a breeze. time to shut the windows and doors and crank up the looking  forward to October. Its one of my favorite months of the year. cooler nights to snuggle in tight and crisp colorful leaves of oranges, browns, and reds dancing through the air without a care in the world. it's more laid back days and simmering soups on the stove
cups of hazelnut latte's always in hand...
it's more free time to sit at the bookstore and thumb through magazines and poetry...
it's apple cinnamon burning in my Scentsy and filling the house with delicious smells... 
its going to the apple farm with rylee and alayna and searching for the perfect apples....
hayrides and cornstalks...
its marathon "Halloween" scary movies all month long...
and craving pumpkins....
its sunday afternoon naps on the couch...
and tucking colorful leaves in corners...



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