Bits and Pieces....

this last week has felt so much like Autumn. Everywhere I look i feel her making her presence known. 
i got pumpkins yesterday at the store to decorate the fireplace mantel and gathered up all my fall leaves in red, burnt browns and oranges and scattered them through out the house.
there is a crisp in the air in the evenings now and the sun sets just a little earlier than a month ago....
I am now booking for Autumn Sessions!
this week has brought on a few different emotions....
happiness and laughter as my nephew got was the whole day had just stepped out of a fairy tale book. 
the day after brought shock and sadness of a friend who was killed in a motorcycle accident...
a good guy, quiet and kind...never saying a bad work about anyone
always happy and smiling....just out for a motorcycle ride with his brother and friend. i think of the images that are going to plague the surviving brother for the rest of his life...seeing his friend and his brother laying on the cold pavement in mangled forms.....unrecognizable to the people he knew and loved. i also think of the guilt he'll carry and the question that will forever be present at the back of his mind , "Why was I spared?"
with all the sadness and tragedy going on in the world today its hard to keep on track and smile...
RIP in peace, Bill~gone but never forgotten


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