....wednesday mumblings...

.is still warm...not cool enough to open windows and doors, maybe this weekend, but not today, not tonight. maybe some rain later....and with that will come more humidity...so no open windows tonight....
tons of work  piling up and then i get that crazy feeling in my head where everything starts to not make sense because i've got too many voices in there screaming, finish this, start that. i'll go start on a project and get side-tracked with something else so i feel like nothing ever really gets 

the cat is howling...she wants back outside...
she just came in  5 minutes ago
...she is insatiable ...
and she drives me crazy most days....
but...it is what it is....
the days are getting shorter now....and lights are turned on much earlier than a mere month ago. and the sun is hidden from sight. i have this nagging in the back of my head to go spend more time with my mama, it's become constant lately...this nagging feeling to spend as much time as i can with her lately....every day it will nag me...all day long....
and into the night...

october will soon be howling in....
i hear this winter is to be a bad one....
i hope not...im rarely satisfied with weather...i loathe the heat and humidity
most times i love the rain....but then that can tire me as well...
i love the snow, but only for a short while, not month after month
i hate the freezing temps and the howling winds that make there way into my
90-year old window cracks and doors.
i have a full load of laundry in the dryer that needs folding and another load to throw in...but still....i sit here
and listen to the howling....
i have 4 sessions to work on...
there is 2 days worth of dirty dishes sitting in the sink
i suppose i could get up and at least fill the sink with hot water, then they could at least be soaking...
but i don't....
i continue to sit here,
listening to the only sounds in the house now, the ticking of the clock......and the humming of the ceiling fan....
i sit and my mind continues to drift....
i haven't been sleeping well....horrible dreams plagued me all thru the night
so im weary today....weary as in soul-tired...that kind of weary...
perhaps i'll go make a cup of tea and take me meds
and hope to make it to bed tonight at a decent hour....
yeah...that sounds good.


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