
today felt like the first day of autumn. gray skies and  blustering i sit at my desk i can hear the wind chimes belting out a beautiful sonnet in response to her arrival. 
i really love autumn and the changes she brings with her. the perfect warm days, and the cooler nights....the crispness brings just a tinge of wonder of whats to come in the days ahead.....
it signals the start of the holidays for me actually. i know after September its a blink of an eye before thanksgiving is here, then another blink and christmas has arrived. just like that...all in 2 blinks of the eye. the days are long but the years indeed scurry too fast along....
reflecting back on 2016 have been some happy moments as well as deeply sad moments...but i know thats how life rolls...sometimes sweet and sometimes bittersweet
the best i hope for is that God is standing beside me, directing me in the path that he has laid before me....trying to gain more patience for people and compassion...
trying to be a better version of "me".



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