
her eyes open slowly...dry from wearing her contacts all night long, so she blinks;
looks toward the sun today, just heavy dark clouds hovering over head
november rain coming down in a sheer mist
mental check-list going off through her head of things to get done today and no ambition to get none of it done...its a chore to get out of her bed
no one ever tells you that there are days you are going to have to battle the devil...
and that happy endings rarely come true, maybe in her little heart there is no room for happy endings or cinderella endings.
her mind is wandering, its doing that thing it does that she hates, that she oh so hates...
tears form from her heart, but they don't fall from her eyes...
they stay in there, tight and bottled up...
she sits up and hovers over the side of the bed, her hands holding up her face
i can still feel the moments....just like they were yesterday...
i just had to know, you know?
some days it will be clear blue outside and you'll just know where those patches on a dark day are going and it will break your heart...
it will break your fucking heart....
(c) Kelly J. Petersen


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