Friday Days with Mama

even though the day started off on the wrong foot, it ended on a good note
days with my mama - the best it gets~
as i was leaving to leave the house this morning, could not find my keys for the life of me. i dumped out my purse 2 times, not there.
okay grab the extra set of keys , go out the car, not the right key. i go back into the house, with my purse, my vape, my hot cup of tea and the wrong set of keys. i open the door, my tea drops to the ground  splashing up and soaking my shirt.

dump my purse out again and retrace my steps of when the last time i used them was
....yesterday after dropping caitlin off at school....
i came in the house and guess what, dropped my cup of hot tea all over the kitchen floor...
ugh....drop my keys on the floor and throw my purse in the dining room, grabbing paper towels to soak up the mess on the floor.....
and i threw my keys behind the bag of dog food....
ah! a lightbulb went off, the keys are behind the dog food.....
....finally, grab the keys and out the door once more

pick up my mom and we head to lunch at our new favorite restaurant "The TreeHouse"
have our favorite salad and then hit the road to run errands....
first stop, "Charming Charlies" they have the best selection of jewelry anywhere. Didn't find anything that struck my fancy so onto the next errand. . . Walmart...
luckily i got a handicap space so my mom wouldn't have far to walk, not to mention...burrr it was cold today especially since i didn't wear a coat. i hate coats. they are bothersome, i hate driving in the car with a coat on, its uncomfortable and i can't move, so i leave the coat at home, wishing i hadn't....
get her shopping done and off the cleaners to pick up dry cleaning, then to the drug store to pick up her medicine...oh and before that, a 20 minute line at Starbucks drive-thru...arg....really...isn't drive thru suppose to be, in and out, quick? apparently not.
okay so i drop my mom off at home helping her in the house with groceries, and headed home, stopped at the Camera Corner for a little quick visit with my peeps, i get back into the car theres a message from my mom...
she doesn't have all her groceries....
i pull into the nearest parking lot, yup there they are, humm missed that bag. turn the car around and head back to my moms....
walk in the door, drop my bags on the floor and take a xanax and make a cup of peppermint tea.....
sit down
relax, get off my shoes and
despite all the mishaps, it was a good day with my Mama.
I just love her cute little 90 year-old  self....Im so blessed 

Its friday!


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