
thursday early am (l:18AM) is starting off pretty much as any other day. my mind is wound tight and thoughts, emotions, and feelings are bouncing all over the a night owl, and my best ideas come in the middle of the night.

winter is always a slow month for me so it gives me lots of things to ponder on....goals for the new year, digging up inspiration in work that i want to accomplish, this year im going to be working on a documentary series with another photography soon. we will be covering and photographing the hardships of the homeless people and children in our area.

ive had this project bouncing back and forth in my head for a couple of years now, and i just need or want to get it done. we as human beings take so many gracious gifts from God for   granted until one day, we may might not have them anymore. we often will notice someone in dire distress and a wealth of compassion and symphony comes flooding in, for me anyways. I tend to dwell on things much longer than i possible should because i am a person of utterly compassion and love. yes, im the person who will stop at the intersection and drop $5.00  to the homeless person holding a sign with torn worn gloves and tattered clothes, a leathered face with hardened lines in the creases. my heart instantly swells with compassion for this person. i don't judge them, thats not my job, nor is it yours.

some of the things im grateful for are: a roof over my head and a place that i can call my sanctuary, my safe place to retreat when the world has been unusually cruel that day .
social media where i can converse with friends and co-workers when im feeling lazy that day and don't want to leave the house....yes, i have those days, actually im having a lot of those days this winter. friends....friendship is crucial to my existence. my friends keep me grounded, they call me out if they think im wrong on something, and most importantly they love me...unconditionally...

one thing i love about "real" love is that you put another persons happiness before your own. wow that is powerful. we as humans tend to be selfish, everything is me, me, me...
but God teaches us to put others needs before our own...that is pure love...that is the best it is patient and love is kind, it is not easily angered.

so if you get angry with someone you love, a friend stop and remember to love them instead.


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