today is this day....

drinking hazelnut coffee 
headphones on are repeat with this song all day long
these days im choosing my words conscientiously
im tasting them, letting them sit on my tongue awhile before  spewing them out
there are so many words in the human language and just one
can bring a mixed bag of emotions
heartache, happinesss. frustration.  giddiness
its getting harder and harder to find the right one to pick on any given occasion ....
as many words as there are, you'd think you'd never be at a loss for one...but i am

many times...many days

i wish i could say that ive got the perfect word to ease someones pain
when a friend is laying on her death bed and looks at me with tears
streaming down her face and ask...

"Why Me"
i lower my head  and enclose her bony hand into mine (its cold)
no words come

at least not one that i can give her that will ease her discomfort and questions....
i feel bitterness at the cancer that is taking a little piece of this woman more and more everyday
and leaving her less and less of flesh and bone...
and more and more of the shell of a body
wasting away
slowly, and agonizing
to watch....
on a brighter side every day is one day closer to Spring!

 and im trying to hurry and get through as many books as i can before the nice weather comes rolling in.....


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