One Summer Day

its a gorgeous summer day here
windows and doors are open and the sun is streaming in through all parts of the house....
im lucky--i have a lot of windows in my when its nice out, i get breezes coming in from everywhere....and that leaves me  dancing around the a giddy young girl
today was spent noticing things and feeling grateful.....
grateful for every good and positive thing in my life.....
grateful that in September we will celebrate my mother's 90th birthday with a party
im grateful for the time she has been given and the life that God has blessed her with.....
although i feel....
so many new changes coming
and coming soon
the smell of mowed grass is drifting in and the fan is on low
skirting across my back as i sit at my desk...
the cicadas have been belting out a happy  medlody all day long....they too must be enjoying this wonderful weather...
today simply is...a perfect summer day.....
it was tacos for dinner and sipping sweet tea all day long...wandering from room to room...
following the patches of light with my camera ....

so many tasks not done today...laundry sits in baskets piled down the basement
and when i go out the back door, i try not to peer down there....
i just wanted to "live in the moment" today
i wanted to "breathe in summer" feel her on my skin
and smell her on my bedroom sheets tonight when i crawl underneath the covers...
earlier this morning i picked a bouqet of wild flowers from the garden and placed them in a blue mason jar sitting on my sink to enjoy for a few days when i wash the dishes
and it will take the "not wanting to do the task" away, if only for a short while....

i bought a lemon tree earlier this year in the was barely just a stick buried deep in a pot of dirt. i keep her inside the house for a while until it got warm enough for her to go outside.
....she has grown so much in just a short lemons yet, but i'm still hoping....
im scared when i have to bring her in for the winter she won't get enough sun....
and that will be the end of her and my dreams of plucking fresh lemons off the stems....
we shall see....



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