Unkind People...

i  have someone i care about
who i feel like constantly is putting me on the edge
i feel sometimes (more often than not) and most times after an altercation with his person i will walk away feelings attacked,  and wounded and left in total belief as to what the hell just happened.....
i'll usually walk away somewhere feeling hurt 
angry and confused....
and then just damn right pissed off!

Im a good person. I have a good, kind heart with a lot of compassion for others...i put myself out there at that risk of being preyed upon or attacked un-needlessly  because im a Christian...and i believe in treating others with compassion, and love....
it hurts me a lot when i feel someone  has turn things around to make me feel like im a bad person....
especially when my intentions and heart are most of the time in the right place....

im easily wounded, i guess. and i don't know how to get past that....

i literally don't know how to deal with people who are angry and bitter at the world and everyone in it...i could be that way very easily....
but i choose a different way
i chose to follow Jesus and lead by the example he would want me too....
i have to tell you though....it really sucks trying to be a good, kind, compassionate 
person to people who suck the life right out of you.....

when do you say...
enough is enough....
i refuse to allow you to treat me this way any longer?

im no longer giving anyone permission to treat me unkind
i've now just realised, "Im not the one with the problem"!
they are...

trying to understand why people act this way towards others has me so perplexed
 i've spent many, countless hours thinking on this subject....
below are a few things i found on the internet on
"Unkind" people.....

Being unkind, more often than not, it just a reaction to self-anger or perceived inadequacy.
They have likely convinced themselves that they are unworthy of love, and that is the biggest tragedy of all.
You don’t have to tolerate it when others are not nice, but it’s not something to take personally.
You don’t have to internalize the meanness as a fault of your own. You can simply recognize that the person being rude is struggling with their own problems, and needs a way to cope with them.
You cannot control the actions and behaviors of others, only your personal reactions to them.
 I believe it is reasonable to say that most of the unkind people we come across in life aren’t sociopaths or psychopaths, but are in fact normal, deeply wounded people. We don’t take time to understand them because we are greatly repelled by their behavior (and because let’s face it, we’re deeply wounded as well).
 their behavior comes as a result of misdirected 
when a person doesn’t know how to deal with their pain they will misdirect it towards others. And that equals pain, multiplied.


  1. Something I said in another forum, this is my quote. Did not borrow the quote... "We are supposed to turn the other cheek. It doesn't say fall down." Am going to add because i read this... Doesn't say to stand there and get slapped. Ya give a guy a coat. Nice thing to do. I do not recall mention of the whole wardrobe.


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