Saturday | My Day

im woken up this morning by alayna shaking me....Nannie, Im hungry, get up.
i just gotta laugh when she stays the night
she passes out at 9pm, im up till 2am and then she wants me to jump up out of bed ready to face the day with just as much excitement as she has...
i love that she is older now and i can tell her that she is big enough to go grab the box of cereal out of the cupboard and get her own breakfast...and thats what she does. last night as i laid beside her in bed, (her fast asleep)  i looked over at her, hair strung across her closed eyes and felt a sadness flow over me at how fast she is growing up....
it seems like yesterday when we brought her home and alexis would get up through out the night to feed her, and i took the morning shift with her. oh how i loved stepping out of bed and being greeted with her beautiful smile...i would pick her up and, get her bottle, feed her, bathe her and dress her and loved on her all morning long until her mother got up. 
she has never just been alexis's daughter, she has always been mine as well.
she's my girl, the light of my life...and she certainly has a sassiness to her that screams she's definitely my girl.
my day has been slow, ever since i stepped out of bed, there has been no rush today to get anything done, maybe thats why nothing  i had planned to do today has gotten done
except i did finally at 5pm got dressed and ran to the vape shop and the bookstore.
caitlin got to pick what we had for dinner because we are celebrating her birthday this weekend, my baby girl will be 17 years old on thursday, March 9. its sad to think that in one year she will be considered an adult. i go back in memory and can't fathom where all the time went with her. how did it go so fast? and why didn't i  document more of her childhood. Oh i have tapes of her when she little, when i watch them now, its with tears rolling down my face...i want that time back, there are things i did wrong, i want a do-over....
so i can cherish every minute with her, i want to hold her and love on her till she screams to be let down...i didn't store up enough kisses and hugs from her when she was little when she was willing to toss them away like butterflies flying through a summer field.  i didn't get enough nights to rock her to sleep, to enclose her tiny hand in mine
it went to fast, it just went to fast, as if i blinked too many times and i lost too many moments...
I kinda of got side tracked here when i was mentioning that she got to  pick what she wanted for her bday was shrimp fried rice at "Sakura"...yum, it was the best. a friend of mine introduced me to that restaurant and i've probably been there 3 or 4 times in the last 3 weeks. 

so  in a nutshell that was my day
not much accomplished and now i'm going to go snuggle in bed and read my "bella Grace" magazine.
all those things that didn't get done today, well there's always tomorrow....


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