..........sunday is............

 Getting a few winter friends out to get a start on the christmas decorating. it was cleaning day so i didn't get too much done as far as decorating goes...i'll put up the christmas tree one day this week...

 i did get a little sparkle thrown around the house with twinkling lights. 
the day was long...and the nights...
now that it gets dark at 4pm you'd think the nights would last forever
but they don't
they're gone in a blink and before i know it its midnight....
i need a few more hours in the day
or better yet i could go to bed earlier and get up earlier
but i've been on this night owl schedule for so long
its hard to break your schedule....
the eight inches of snow we got last week....gone...melted away already!
and that makes me a happy girl....
i hate ice, it never fails every dang year i manage to fall on my ass
somehow...it's a talent, i think.....lol
so time to go snuggle in bed with a good book


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