Hello November.....

hello november....
you sashayed  in today like it was the first day of october instead of november...almost up to 70 degrees so thank you for that delightful day
im grateful today for meeting back up with this gorgeous girl, Laney who I've known since she was three....she is not only beautiful, but shes smart and talented beyond belief. Shes got such a great future ahead of her...im so proud of you Laney!
in other news, i know ive been seriously slacking on writing in my blog, or any other place for that matter...as i laid in bed last night i had a great short story tumbling all thru my head, i knew i should have got up and wrote it down because i knew i wouldn't remember it and sure enough....i don't remember it.....
things are going good for my mama right now and i'm hoping they will stay that way...im not really looking forward to the holidays yet...and im hoping my mind will be swayed by the time thanksgiving gets here....

just reminding myself....
one big breath....stay looking ahead
and everything
be okay....
keep pushing forward....


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