friday is...

going through old archives and doing re-edits with the new Kevin Klein presets...
I'm so in love with them! they leave perfect skin tones and i don't have to do much tweaking to them...its basically speeded up my work flow in Lightroom, so
happy girl over here...
a HUGH, Thank you! to 
for featuring another one of my photographs on their Instagram page today....

(my photo is the top left)
I greatly appreciate it and on top of that I will receive a free issue! YAY
that i can gift to a friend because I always buy a copy the very first day the magazine hits the bookstores....
got a lot of errands and shopping done today for my mamas 90th birthday party coming up a 2 weeks from Sunday....bless her heart, she is so excited.
after all the running around we did today, i dropped her off at home,
alexis dropped alayna off for a slept over at nannies
and around 8:30 my sister calls to tell me that my mom is deathly herself
with it coming out both ends...i couldn't go over and help because alayna was here and caitlin wasn't home to watch her so bless my sisters heart she went over and took care of everything. i can't understand why every couple of months this sickness just hits my mom out of the blue....
guess we'll be making a trip back to the doctor next week...ugh....
all in all a good day
windows and doors open
my girls are here
im shooting a pin-up contest tomorrow.....all is right in the world
....for now....


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