....out of the darkness....

 perhaps his thread broke and he came undone. A thread breaks into the tiniest of pieces, and sometimes, despite a world full of perhapses and maybes and all the king's horses and all the king's men . . . well, you know. Sometimes the wind blows away those pieces before you can begin to put them together again.
(d.smith kaich jones)

thoughts for the day:
 thoughtless thinking, harboring onto unhealthy feelings...

ive been caught up in the..life is too hard to process lately
but last night i processed everything that has been weighing me down heavily  and i let it go....i cut the thread loose and let it fall...i took a deep breath...i can do this... im happy to do this...my heart is set on doing this...of letting things go and focusing on the simple once again....
its utterly necessary....to let the negative things go...its exhausting to hang onto old cuts and broken empty words
the easy part will follow now
the 'letting go' is past now
i can see the road, a pale light beaconing me to follow
and im no longer afraid, in spite of the darkness
if i close my eyes i can imagine flying
and my feet never touching the ground....

i like that thought...


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