
Wednesday will be greeted with a clean house
and a empty calendar that leaves me free as a bird, lol.

its yet another unbearable scorching day and doors closed up and air conditioner running full getting ready to dive into Autumn full speed..with her cooler nights and beautiful bursts of colors...crunchy leaves flirting down the street and sweater days...
simmering soups on the store and slightly cooler breezes blowing in through open windows and doors.....

still some summer activities going on this weekend, which i will miss because of the heat.
perhaps i'll get some much needed things done around the house that i tend to put off...there are closets that need cleaned and clothes to be sorted through, which ones to keep and what to get rid of...
theres painting that needs done but always get passed by for yet another year it seems...

so its a up in the air nothing immediately that needs done
perhaps its a day to catch up on reading
or dive into a new tv series...
oh the possibilities 



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