RIP Charles

it doesn't even seem possible that you have been gone for 5 years and your murderer is still roaming the streets free and clear. i don't understand our justice system at all.
a young life just taken and no justice for his mother or father.  a life that someone thought they had to right to snuff out, how do you sleep at night? how do you look at yourself in the mirror? i wonder how you live life and laugh at the expense of someone else's tears, at the expense of this young man's life that you so carelessly took without even a second thought. 
do you ever wonder the hell you put so many people through?  you not only took this young man's life, but you destroyed so many people's lives in the process. what made you think you could play God and make that decision? 
RIP in sweet boy. you are never forgotten and always missed by many.


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