My Mama. She will be 88 years old on Friday, Sept. 12

Autumn Decorations! 

My Daddy bought this jewelry box for my Mama. She's had it quite a long time.

Every day all summer long I drive by these gorgeous mini pink roses. And everyday I tell myself I am gonna stop and take some photos of them. Well today I happened to have my camera with me and that's exactly what i did. 
This gas station is down the street from my house. I go here at least 4 times a week. The old man that works there is always generous and when I get gas and cigarettes he always gives me a free lottery ticket

My Mama's room. Where she lays her head every night. 
My Mama's Family room.

Mazzy & Bella - the girls 

Bits and Pieces of my day. I had a leisurely morning where I caught up on some blogs, made homemade potato soup (which I shared and delivered to 2 people) in inviting bowls,   and bounded together with dainty lace bows.  I dug into my creative muse and putter around with doing some crafts today. 

I went over to my Mama's house; sat; drank ice tea and caught up with the latest of last week's gossip.  I shot some photos.  I stopped on the way home and clicked pictures of flowers, the sky, the gas station that I stop at everyday. My dogs, Mazzy & Bella. 
Autumn decorations have already adorned my mother's house, has started getting me into the feel for Autumn so i imagine within the next few days i will be upstairs digging through the copious amount of decorations i have and dragging down my Fall stuff.



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