September 9, 2014

Today I was awaken to blue clear skies and cool Autumn breezes, even though it isn't Autumn yet.
As I opened the windows a rush of cool yet pleasant air greeted me; a wonderful feeling as I inhale the fresh air. I have a phobia in the winter. I hate that I cannot open my windows and allow fresh air in. All the dust, and germs settle into cracks and cervices and there are days that I just have to spring open up my doors and let all the negative yucky stuff out; no matter if its 15 degrees out or not.

It's like a cleansing of my house; all the bad stuff out; and the good stuff in.

As I'm writing this my wind chimes are belting out a beautiful sound on the back porch and if I close my eyes I can almost imagine myself at a different time, in a different place.

Now that Alexis and the kids are gone my house is back to being calm, and serene. It's as if I almost have to remember how to make friends with the silence again. Not that I'm complaining:) With Caitlin back in school now, I have the days to myself once again. 

The crickets are once again playing a sonnet that I'm enjoying listening to as well as the wind talking.
It's gonna be a good day.

I can tell.

Things I'm Loving Today
Laughing until it hurts
vintage quilts
tom petty
lavender sugar scrubs
pink cupcakes
hardwood floors
the color of robin egg blue



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