Wednesdays Rain

Well I woke up to grey skies and soft rain pelting the ground. It's been raining since last night and the air is cool, but humid. The morning didn't start off too well. Caitlin missed her bus for school which in turn resulting in me having to to call the school to have them come back and pick her up....geese all that  just to get to school. It's getting to be a task to get back on a school schedule over here.


My mood today is reflecting the weather, grey and dull. I'm not motivated to do anything today and I'm on the verge of feeling pissed off. But yet, I will try and find some good and beautiful in this day. I will shrug my shoulders and try as best as i can to push the negativity aside. 


I'm frustrated with things at home right now, so that has some what decided on my mood for the day. However, I will lift my head and I will trudge through the day and try and make the most of it.  There is never enough or too much (of anything) There never seems to be a normal level of balance. Life is messy and it leaves bits and pieces of hurt feelings, and undone tasks in its wake. 
I feel as if I'm always on an up hill climb and just as I get close to the top, BAM
LIFE comes along and shoves me back down again; only to start the up hill battle all over again.
  I know that life is not suppose to be easy but it sure would be great to catch a break every now or then.


Things I'm hoping for today:



that tomorrow the sun will shine

 maybe, just maybe i will find some peace (however short-lived that may be)

to accept the things i cannot change with grace

that photography fills my soul

in silence 

second chances and third chances until you get it right


big hugs are the best thing ever

and to be grateful for each day you have

that God will never give you more than your shoulders can carry (I'm really counting on this one today:)

now heres what I'm listening to today: James Blunt - Same Mistake

Today I'm going to tune into my creative muse and do some crafts, catch up on some blogs and deliver homemade potato soup to a few friends...<3


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