a love letter to me....

hello girl....
the little girl that lurks inside of this grown womans body...the girl who still believes in fairy tales and happy endings...
the girl who is often times too hard on herself...don't forget God loves you....even though you are flawed, imperfect and makes numerous mistakes time and again...God loves you...even when you are unlovable...he still loves you...
when that rebel side emerges and you dare to step out of the circle and dance with the world...when you are driving down the street cussing out the guy that just pulled out in front of you...when you are weary and think life is not fair...and you feel the world and the people are cruel....
he will shine a light for you to follow...
he is always beside you and will never abandon you....
even when you think you can handle this big ass bad world by yourself....he is still there holding you up and strolling beside you...he brings people in and out of your life for a  reason
so don't doubt it...just go with it....and allow yourself to feel the hurt, the betrayal, expose it and let it fall where it may
sit in your failures and rejoice in your accomplishments
and then...when you are ready....
and move forward
and remember if someone lets you down, forgive them. 
i promise you the sun will shine once again...
don't ever stop searching for the 'simple' in the everyday beauty....


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