waking up to chilly temps....and grabbing a sweater..our high today was 66 degrees, almost unheard of for august. but it was a nice reprieve. of the heat and heavy humidity that has plagued us for the last month.  i haven't been sleeping well  lately, every hour i seem to wake up, turn my head only to have the clock blaring in bold red numbers, its only been an hour since the last time i looked. i don't quite know what to make of it, the not sleeping...i thought when people got older they slept more
i know, its probably that pesky menopause playing with me again
i wish she would go away....she is leaving me all kinds of unwelcomed flashes, weight gain, irritability....
not any good gifts of course.... 
im been working on alot of things going on in my life right many emotional changes come along with menopause....losing yourself for one was a biggie for now trying to find out who i am at this stage in my life...what i want and where i want to be 5 years from now, not only with my business, but my personal life as well...
im trying and pulling for myself everyday to be a better person, a better, 'me'.
im working on being kinder, smiling to strangers, being there for friends,
changing relationship roles, 
forgiving others as well as forgiving myself ...thats a hard on myself
and need to remind myself daily that hey, i am worthy of love, i am human and i am going to make mistakes, sometimes big ones....but that doesn't mean im not a worthy person, that doesn't mean that im not loveable or kind or compassionate....
so im forgiving myself a lot these days
and when i lay down to go to sleep at night
i feel good about life, about me and the journey im on right now.
of course a trip to paris would be a good idea right about now


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