Today is yellow....happy

friday is...
sleeping in late and quiet this morning on farnam street, with the exception of a car zooming pass, going way to fast for a neighborhood street filled with children.
its my morning sonnet ive come to enjoy...a gift from the locusts..the sun is playing hide and seek today and the sky is dressed in grays with pale shades of blue and white.
some days i crawl out of bed and my whole body aches-
my lower back hurts, my feet ache, and then i let my wandering worrying mind take over and drop awful thoughts into it
"oh God i have bone cancer"
when in all reality i more than likely have arthritis. this year..every year...growing old is a hard thing to accept...especially when my my brain doesn't age along with the aching body...up there she is happily encouraging me along, telling me that i can still get up on that dance floor and do my thing..
and every now and then 
i stop and listen to her
and i do just that....
Im still waiting for God to show me what my painstaking part of this world is suppose to amount far i don't feel as if ive accomplished much that would leave a mark big enough to shout..
my sister ask me the other day why i write..i have filled journal books scattered thru out the house
i write to calm the noisiness in my head ..i write because i have so many words that want to tumble out onto blank pages...i write in hopes that someday my children may find some comfort from my thoughts, my words, my feelings
and somewhere into between the lines something may just jump out and  that they can connect with...
im not perfect and i don't have all the answers and somedays,
yes, somedays its a struggle for me to make thru the day 
this morning i got down into my flower bed and got my hands dirty, i pulled weeds and watered and picked off the once pretty flowers that didn't survive up until now...
today will be saying goodbye for a short while to my baby alayna as she heads to Canada for a will bring worrying about her, and missing her...
it will be spending time with good friends and caitlin later this evening as i shoot, "Ya maka My weekend" street fest in the rock island district...
it will be people watching, 
good eats and drinks
and snaps of the shutter button....

Leaving you with this thought for the day:


so get out there and spread some happiness :)


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