tuesday is....

tuesday is....
up late the night before worrying....even though i know i shouldn't, worrying doesn't change anything but...i worry....so much so it interferes with my life and my sleep...im a natural worrier...
so it was to bed late and up early with alayna nudging me....nannie its a beautiful day, lets get up...
so thats how we started our day...scrambled eggs, hash browns and bacon for her, hazelnut iced coffee on the porch for me....
and yet, another trip to the store for dog and cat food...
and fresh ingredients for homemade pizza tonight
of course a stop at mcdonald's (thats a daily thing when im out and about) gotta have my sweet tea
a load of laundry and clothes swaying on the outside line
it's dragging my butt today...tired and i so could take a nap
if alayna wasn't here id be snuggling into the couch with the fan blowing on me
clearing my mind and let my soul drift off for awhile...
however, back to reality, thats not gonna happen today....


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