stay in the world....

last night
i sat on my back porch just as the darkness was descending ...
the locusts were forceful; belting out their familiar and settling sonnet that ive come to rely on every summer...
the humidity had gone down and as i searched for the moon she was hiding, no where to be seen
there was no movement, just stillness,
the smoke from my cigarette weaving through the darkness...
and for one minute
all was right with the world...
for one perfect moment
no heavy thoughts sitting on my chest....
for one moment i was emerged body and soul in the moment of...
....just being...
life is constant with moment after moment...and how many of these moments do we just wish away...because its grief, sadness? sometimes you have to sit in your grief
you have to lean into your sadness...
you have to acknowledge it and deal with it...get down to the root of it...
if you deny it, and bury it, it sits inside you like an old wine gone bad...
until you unpack it and pour it down the drain.... does it hurt...hell yes it hurts...will you die? no i doubt it...
it is by no means an easy task...
don't condemn yourself because you fell down, when you can get back up, dust yourself off and get right back out there in the world.

Iain S. Thomas
we are only who we really are when we're completely alone....

your brain can play horrible tricks on you
if you constantly are thinking you are no good
and you are not worthy of being loved


we all deserve love, an abundance of it
to go into the deep end of it and drown
to twirl around under it under the street lamps in the evening
say nice things to your brain and do nice happy things for your heart.
everyone one needs a purpose in life...something that makes their heart soar and a smile that reaches from ear to ear...
everyone should have someone to be strong for and protect, even if it's just their own heart
so please be good, and kind. the world today is so hard, and cruel.
just one person can make a difference. smile at a stranger, buy someone coffee and sometimes a person just needs someone to listen to dump the trash...
i've been trying for the last couple months to really focus on be kind and's hard and yes, i stumble and fall often but i find comfort in the fact that God will never leave me down there for long...and he'll be walking right beside me when i need it the most....


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