seasons of life..

august is fading out just as fast as she quickly swirled in....
summer days are winding down to an end and you can now feel a chill in the air...september will be here shortly...
and she has also been one of my favorite months. my mama was born in september...i love the change of seasons...i complain that i should move to somewhere that is warm all year around, but in truth, i would miss the change of seasons, the spring when everything that has laid dead for months pops up and comes alive...the first of autumns chilly nights where you grab a cozy blanket, light the candles and snuggle into the couch with a good book or movie.
the gentleness of soft snowflakes in winter when they blanket the tree limbs with a white holidays and the bustle of activity that surrounds the holidays...the baking, and the time spent picking out the holiday paper and ribbon for gifts  carefully chosen...
the squeals of my grandchildren as they circle around the tree, searching for their packages....and the food, oh gosh the wonderful food....
caitlin started school yesterday, so back are my quiet days....
i am a seeker of solitude. its in the few hours of my day or night that i do the things that nourish my soul, editing a session, reading, watching a good film, or simply arranging flowers in a pretty vase. 
I've been sleepwalking
Until I stepped out into the
Morning stillness 
And then there they were
Fluttering and twirling 
Swaying to a song only they knew
With their wispy wings
Singing mid flight
It left a
Calmness in my soul
A giddy happy in my heart
...,;summer at its best.....
Kjp 2015

simple things <3


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