That Smile...

i can never get enough of that gracious smile of my mamas. a couple of weeks ago she fell and broke her wrist and thumb, so she's been donning around a sporty blue cast the last 2 weeks. last week when we went in for a check-up to make sure its healing she got a short reprieve of the cast for x-rays and being set free for just a brief 5 minutes lit the room up with her smile.

often these days that i spend with her, i bring my fuji camera along tucked inside my purse ready at a moments notice to grab a memory that will last me for the rest of my lifetime.
i know that i am  blessed to have her still with us at 90 years old and relatively in good health. my mom has always been a go-getter. she worked till she was 82 years old and the last couple of years have been daunting for her as each year brings with it another task unable for her to accomplish.
which in turn will sink her into some dark days that i have to pull her out of by reminding her that she is blessed and there are so many others that have it much worse. she'll agree with me and then feel silly for sitting around and feeling sorry for herself. 
we humans can tend to do that a lot- feel sorry for "ourselves"

i've made it a challenge to  not sit in the dark days anymore, to pull myself from bed when all i want to do is bury my head under the covers. im choosing to be happy and see the glass as half full instead of half empty. i've spend so many days pondering the "what-ifs" and "should-haves" that i've wasted a many good days feeling doomed when in all reality i have a great life. i have 3 beautiful, healthy children, grandchildren that i adore, a job i love and take great comfort in
i have so many things to be blessed for, and those i don't ....well
they are getting a back seat to my happiness.
i am a child of The Most High God, i am forgiven for my sins (which i make daily, im sure) but my God forgives me and loves me despite the stumbles.  I have a roof over my head and a nice comfy spot to lay my head every night.
Im choosing the joy, the hardships, all of it. I want it all. and i know that through the hardships, the disappointments that i will survive and i will not be alone because i have a God that promises to never forsake me.
That is


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