My Week....

spent the weekend with my girl.  Saturday we had a snow storm so we mainly stayed inside while I snapped a few photos (can't believe how big she is getting!)  I caught up on my tv shows while she snuggled up against me and fell asleep. (which is very rare for her) but her ADHD meds make her sleepy. it was nice. she's getting at that age now where she wants to hang out with her friends so when she called me yesterday and said, "Nannie can I come stay with you, I miss you." my heart fluttered.

we put together the use of some of my Valentine flowers which are hanging on quite well.

Alayna with Bella 
Bella needs about a 3-hour brush-out, that winter coat is starting to fall out. she has shorter hair than Mazzy so she is not as bad to do as Mazzy is. Mazzy is a 5-6 hour brush out and she has so much more hair than Bella does. it's quite a workout, lol.  I will usually take them outside and brush them out, and I fill BAGS with hair. it's insane. I've been extremely lazy at letting them go longer between brush outs then I should.

-My precious girl Teag-
was here 2 days this week.  I swear every week she changes and gets chunkier. it's unbelievable how much she changes in a weeks time.  I love this girl so much.

I printed a new picture of Teagie for above my desk this week. this was one of my favorites.As usual, i can never have too many pictures of my girls. 

Caitlin really has popped out this week! Next Sunday she will be halfway done with her pregnancy already. I hope the next 20 weeks go by as fast.
she's been busy getting baby Novah's drawers filled with clothes. that baby has more clothes than I do already lol. We are fortunate that we got a lot of baby stuff from Alexis and one of her friends Tess has 3 little girls so we got a TON of cute stuff from her. Thank you Tess! 
Today is picking up prescriptions for my Mama
grocery shopping
A new recipe I'm trying out tonight for Chili 
(thanks Greg for the recipe) 
and loads of laundry waiting for me 


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