Feelings & Thoughts on a Tuesday Night

Thank you, Lord for these beautiful two.
Thank you for the endless smiles, hugs and baby kisses.
Thank you for a roof over my head, and food on my table.
Thank you that Alayna is here for a week! 
Thank you that my family and friends have so far avoided getting the COVID-19 virus.
Thank you for the Sun that shone thru the window today and the gusty breezes.
Thank you for your Word, for guiding me and protecting me every day.
Since this whole COVID-19 started, life has not been the same.
I've gone from not freaking out, to full blown anxiety attacks.
I try to stay away from the current news as much as possible because sometimes I'm just not strong enough to deal with it and the
"What ifs" that follow after.
I feel closed in tight, in isolation. a prisoner. trapped. 
then....there are days when I forget about it. Life feels normal. caitlin is home
the kids are home. we laugh. we play with the kids. we watch tv. we take photographs.
all normal stuff before COVID-19.

but the ....Now....the "Still in the process of COVID-19 is scary. 
unreal. unsure of the future. And I don't like it. it reminds me that I'm human, I'm fragile
and that I really don't have a say in anything that happens.
And all I can really do is Trust God and keep putting my faith in him. every moment. of every day.
because "This thing" is from Him.
and I know it can be a long while before we see the "good" of any of this.
We have to go through the "hard" before we can get to the "Good"
I know that whatever struggles or setbacks we face is intended to empower and purify us.
I have to always remind myself that, GOD IS IN CONTROL
He knows whats going on down here and that HE is beside me, holding me up, getting me over the  hills and through the potholes. I just need to keep looking up and "Carry the Light of God"

stay healthy friends 


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