"New Normal"

who ever thought I would miss my "normal" mundane days .  these days I have to force myself to get out of bed. just to wander. from room to room.
taking turns from binging on Netflix
to reading to find new angels around the house to shoot
to grabbing onto the Word of God like a safety net.

I know that something good is going to come through this. I know that GOD is way BIGGER than anything that goes on down here on this little earth. These days I'm clinging tight to that. Clinging tight to God and hanging on a little piece of very thin thread.  I'm praying BIG prayers this last month for a lot of people. For Our World.  I'm hanging onto Hope. 

Ezekiel 38:1-14

when Ezekiel was in exile with his fellow Israelites, they were all cut off from the Temple, their farms, their relatives, their friends. (Just as we are today)  They were feeling hopeless  

"Our bones are dried up,
our hope is gone,
there's nothing left of us"

Ezekiel painted a picture of what God was going to do, a picture that none of the people could see because they were too busy feeling sorry for themselves. (Humm, I've been there. I've let myself wander to that dark pit this last month. I've let myself buy into the panic and the uncertainty of what's going on in the World right now.)
And then the holy Spirit will tap me on the shoulder and remind me of who I am -
I am a CHILD OF GOD. Although my future on earth is uncertain, my future in heaven is for eternity! 
and my HOPE is restored. 
When the people began to respond to what God was doing instead of what they were feeling, they began to live by the Word of God, by faith rather than sight!
When God breathe life-giving breath into us
we exhale faith, hope and love.
I hope that y'all are healthy and hanging in there and
remember that GOD LOVES YOU SO MUCH.



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