Days with Alayna

My little man, Legend is 7 months now. He seems like he's been little forever. With Novah it seemed we just blinked and she was a toddler.
Baby Days. I love them. I can never inhale enough of that baby scent.  Baby giggles and baby smiles.
I'm so thankful that I can record so much of their childhood in photographs. My grown kids don't realize how important this is going to be when there kids are grown. 
My dad was a photographer, owned his own studio and I barely have any pictures of my childhood.
When my kids were little we had JCPenney, & Sears. Boring, portrait, posed photographs. YUCK. I look back on them now and I want to throw up. They are horrible! The lighting sucks, there is just nothing I love about them at all.
We didn't have Photographers like we have today. I would have paid $500 to get some Candid shots of my children's childhood. 

Me and Alayna spent the whole day together. We cleaned out kichten cabinets, made pork chop sandwiches for dinner, watched a movie, went on a walk, ran to Walgreens for colored paper and made hearts for the windows. 

My Heart is Full tonight <3
Stay healthy <3


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